Flowview Aquarius complete starter kit with preparation tools
Priciple of the FlowView Aquarius chip with
electron transparent Si3N4 membrane
Top view of assembled liquid chamber
The membrane is visible in the center
FlowView image analysis software
Original image of liquid-material
Aggregate particles after dry up
Aluminum paste
The FlowVIew Aquarius liquid sample chambers are primarily developed for materials analysis and particle analysis applications. The three component sample chamber is easy to use with specially developed preparation tools and resembles an SEM specimen stub when prepared for use in the SEM. The FlowView Aquarius liquid chambers with M4 threaded sample stubs are directly compatible with Hitachi SEMs and with SEMS using pin stubs by using the supplied pins tub adapter.
For first time users, we advise to purchase the FlowView starter kit and purchase more liquid sample chambers when needed. The unique FlowView Aquarius liquid sample chamber forms a liquid film of 500 nm or 2 um depending on the type of chips used. After dispensing the liquid onto the sample chamber, the FlowView Aquarius cap is mounted and twisted to seal the liquid film into the chamber. Imaging is performed through the silicon nitride window which is ready to use, mounted in the FlowView Aquarius caps. The liquid sample chamber chip and window membrane are made from relatively inert materials (Si and Si3N4) and are compatible with water, solvents, oils, fuels, mild acids and mild alkalis. Application examples are:
The high resolution chips allow for imaging objects smaller than 10nm.The FlowVIew Aquarius liquid sample chambers are primarily developed for materials analysis and particle analysis applications. The three component sample chamber is easy to use with specially developed preparation tools and resembles an SEM specimen stub when prepared for use in the SEM. The FlowView Aquarius liquid chambers with M4 threaded sample stubs are directly compatible with Hitachi SEMs and with SEMS using pin stubs by using the supplied pins tub adapter. For first time users we advise to purchase the FlowView starter kit and purchase more liquid sample chambers when needed. The silicon nitride window is held in a silicon frame. These are both relatively inert materials and are compatible with water, solvents, oils, fuels, mild acids and mild alkalis. Application examples are:
The FlowView Aquarius starter kit includes:
FlowView image analysis software
The FlowView image analysis software is included in the FlowView liquid sample starter kit and features:
FlowView sample preparation steps:
Ordering Information for the FlowView Aquarius liquid sample chamber for SEM